Pacific Forum Line

To contact Pacific Forum Line Auckland, call +64 9 356 2333 or +64 9 255 2500 or email
To contact Neptune Pacific Auckland, call +64 9 302 5360 or email
Founded by 12 Pacific Forum Countries in 1978, Pacific Forum Lines (PFL) mandate is "Created by the Pacific People, for the Pacific People". On Friday, 28th Sept 2012, the Samoan Government became the sole 100% owners of Pacific Forum Line, the sale to be completed Monday 8th Oct. PFL was previously owned by 12 Pacific Governments including NZ & was created in an effort to provide a secure & stable service to the Pacific People where all profits went back into the hands of the Government shareholders & ultimately the people of the Pacific.
On Sept 10 2013, Neptune Pacific Line (NPL) announced that it had reached an agreement with the Samoan Government to purchase 50% controlling interest in Pacific Forum Line.